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Computational Seismology
Finite Differences - Seismometer Equation

This notebook is part of the supplementary material to Computational Seismology: A Practical Introduction, Oxford University Press, 2016.


This exercise covers the following aspects:

  • Solving seismometer equation with finite difference method
  • Getting familiar with seismometer response function

Basic Equations

Please refer to the Exercise 4.19 from the book.

The seismometer equation is given by ¨x+2ϵ˙x+ω20x=¨u


ϵ is the damping parameter,

ω0 is the eigenfrequency,

¨u(t) is the ground motion by which the seismometer is excited, and

x(t) is the motion of the seismometer mass.

We replace the time derivative by centered finite-differentiation ˙x  x(t+dt)x(tdt)2dt

¨x  x(t+dt)2x(t)+x(tdt)dt2

Now, solving for x(t+dt) the extrapolation scheme is



Part 1

While running the following cells frequency of forcing (the frequency of ground motion) and the damping parameter will be asked to enter. First try using undamped seismometer (i.e. h = 0) for some forcing frequency (eg. 0.1 Hz, 1 Hz, 2Hz, 3Hz, 4Hz, 5Hz, etc.) and interpret the results.

Part 2

Now try frequency of forcing of your choice (eg. 1 HZ) and try to search for suitable damping parameter (h).

Message: Once you become familiar with all the codes below you can go to the Cell tab on the toolbar and click Run All.

In [ ]:
#Configuration step (Please run it before the simulation code!)

import numpy as np
import matplotlib
# Show Plot in The Notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
matplotlib.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'w'                 # remove grey background
In [ ]:
#Initialization of parameters

f0 = 1.                                                       # eigenfrequency of seismometer (hertz)
w = 2. * np.pi * f0                                           # in radians per second
dt = .01                                                      # time increment for numerical scheme
isnap = 2                                                     # snapshot frequency for visualization

# Central frequency of forcing or ground motion (will be asked)
fu0 = 1.0
# Uncomment for interactivity.
# fu0 = float(input('Give frequency of forcing (e.g. f=1 Hz) : '))

# Damping parameter of seismometer (will be asked)
h = 0.5
# Uncomment for interactivity.
# h = float(input('Give damping parameter (e.g. h=0.5) : '))

# Initialize ground motion

# Initialize parameters for ground motion
p = 1. / fu0                                                  # period
nts = int(2. * p / dt)                                        # time steps
uii = np.zeros(nts)                                           # ground motion
t0 = p / dt                                                   # time (S)
a = 4. / p                                                    # half-width (so called sigma)

# we use derivative of a Gaussian as our ground motion
for it in range(nts):
    t = (it - t0) * dt
    uii[it] = -2 * a * t * np.exp(-(a * t) ** 2)

nt = int(round(5. * 1. / fu0 / dt))                           # total number of time steps
src = np.zeros(nt)                                            # initialize an source array of zeros
src[0:len(uii)] = uii                                         # make derivative of gaussian as source

# End initialization of ground motion

# Initial conditions
eps = h * w                                                   # damping factor
x = np.zeros(nt)
xnow = 0
xold = 0
x_vector = np.zeros(nt)
In [ ]:
# Extrapolation scheme and the plots

# Initialization of plots

# lines1 will plot the seismometer response and lines2 for source function

lines1 = plt.plot(np.dot((np.arange(1, nt+1)), dt), x_vector[0:nt] /
                  np.max(np.abs(x[0:nt])), color = "red", lw = 1.5, label="Seismometer response")
lines2 = plt.plot(np.zeros(nt), color = 'blue',lw = 1.5,  label="Ground Acceleration")

plt.title("At rest")
plt.axis([0, nt*dt, -1, 1])
plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
plt.legend(loc="upper right")

# Begin extrapolation and update the plot

# Extrapolation scheme (Centered finite-difference)

for i in range(nt):
    if i == 0:
        xold = xnow

    xnew = (-src[i] * dt ** 2 + (2 - w ** 2 * dt ** 2) * xnow + (eps * dt - 1) * xold) / (1 + eps * dt)

    xold = xnow                                               # for next loop present will be past
    xnow = xnew                                               # for next step future will be present
    x[i] = xnow
    x_vector[i] = x[i]

# Updating the plots
    if not i % isnap:
        for l in lines1:
            del l
        for k in lines2:
            del k

        lines1  = plt.plot(np.dot((np.arange (1, i+1)), dt), x_vector[0:i] /
                          np.max(np.abs (x[0:nt])),color = "red",lw = 1.5, label="Seismometer response")
        lines2 = plt.plot(np.dot((np.arange (1, i+1)), dt), src[0:i] /
                          np.max(src[0:nt]), color = 'blue',lw = 1.5, label="Ground Acceleration")
    plt.title("F0 = 1Hz, SRC = %.2f Hz, h = %.2f " % (fu0, h))
