Computational Seismology
Reproducible Papers - Syngine Paper

Figure 5: Seismogram Comparision

This notebook is part of the supplementary materials for the Syngine paper and reproduces figure 5.

This notebook creates a plot for seismograms for all models part of Syngine. Requires matplotlib >= 1.5 and an ObsPy version (>= 1.0) with the Syngine client.

In [1]:
%matplotlib inline
import obspy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np"seaborn-whitegrid")

from obspy.clients.syngine import Client
c = Client()
In [2]:
# Get all available models for the Syngine service.
models = c.get_available_models()
{'ak135f_5s': {'components': 'vertical and horizontal',
  'description': 'ak135 with density & Q of Montagner & Kennet(1996)',
  'max_sampling_period': '1.278000',
  'default_components': 'ZNE',
  'max_event_depth': 750000,
  'length': 3904.29,
  'min_period': 5.125,
  'max_period': '~100',
  'default_dt': '0.25'},
 'prem_a_2s': {'components': 'vertical and horizontal',
  'description': 'anisotropic PREM',
  'max_sampling_period': '0.512260',
  'default_components': 'ZNE',
  'max_event_depth': 750000,
  'length': 3609.89347171399,
  'min_period': 2.09999990463257,
  'max_period': '~100',
  'default_dt': '0.1'},
 'prem_i_2s': {'components': 'vertical and horizontal',
  'description': 'isotropic PREM',
  'max_sampling_period': '0.512260',
  'default_components': 'ZNE',
  'max_event_depth': 750000,
  'length': 3609.89347171448,
  'min_period': 2.09999990463257,
  'max_period': '~100',
  'default_dt': '0.1'},
 'ak135f_2s': {'components': 'vertical and horizontal',
  'description': 'ak135 with density & Q of Montagner & Kennet(1996)',
  'max_sampling_period': '0.525000',
  'default_components': 'ZNE',
  'max_event_depth': 750000,
  'length': 3599.925,
  'min_period': 2.09999990463257,
  'max_period': '~100',
  'default_dt': '0.1'},
 'prem_a_10s': {'components': 'vertical and horizontal',
  'description': 'anisotropic PREM ',
  'max_sampling_period': '2.440630',
  'default_components': 'ZNE',
  'max_event_depth': 700000,
  'length': 17999.6459763,
  'min_period': 10,
  'max_period': '~100',
  'default_dt': '0.5'},
 'iasp91_2s': {'components': 'vertical and horizontal',
  'description': 'IASP91',
  'max_sampling_period': '0.483045',
  'default_components': 'ZNE',
  'max_event_depth': 700000,
  'length': 3699.64182036487,
  'min_period': 2,
  'max_period': '~100',
  'default_dt': '0.1'},
 'prem_a_20s': {'components': 'vertical and horizontal',
  'description': 'anisotropic PREM',
  'max_sampling_period': '4.869333',
  'default_components': 'ZNE',
  'max_event_depth': 671000,
  'length': 1796.78377075236,
  'min_period': 20,
  'max_period': '~100',
  'default_dt': '1'},
 'prem_a_5s': {'components': 'vertical and horizontal',
  'description': 'anisotropic PREM',
  'max_sampling_period': '1.213826',
  'default_components': 'ZNE',
  'max_event_depth': 751000,
  'length': 3900.02402745055,
  'min_period': 4.94999980926514,
  'max_period': '~100',
  'default_dt': '0.25'},
 'ak135f_1s': {'components': 'vertical only',
  'description': 'ak135 with density & Q of Montagner & Kennet(1996), vertical only',
  'max_sampling_period': '0.253000',
  'default_components': 'Z',
  'max_event_depth': 750000,
  'length': 1849.936,
  'min_period': 1.04999995231628,
  'max_period': '~100',
  'default_dt': '0.05'}}
In [3]:
# Chile earthquake 2015-09-16 22:55:22 Mw 8.3
event_id = "GCMT:C201509162254A"
Date-Time (UTC):    2015-09-16 22:55:22
Latitude, Longitude:    -31.130 °, -72.090 °
Magnitude:  8.3 MW
Depth:  17.4 km
Author:     Global CMT Project
Catalog, Contributor:   GCMT, GCMT
In [4]:
network = "IU"
station = "ANMO"

# Get a real station.
from obspy.clients.fdsn import Client
c_fdsn = Client("IRIS")
print(c_fdsn.get_stations(network=network, station=station, format="text")[0][0])
Station ANMO (Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)
	Station Code: ANMO
	Channel Count: None/None (Selected/Total)
	1989-08-29T00:00:00.000000Z - 1995-07-14T00:00:00.000000Z
	Access: None 
	Latitude: 34.95, Longitude: -106.46, Elevation: 1850.0 m
	Available Channels:

In [5]:
# Plot the ray paths just to illustrate what we are working with.
from obspy.taup import TauPyModel
m = TauPyModel("ak135")
print(m.get_travel_times_geo(source_depth_in_km=17.4, source_latitude_in_deg=-31.130,
                             source_longitude_in_deg=-72.090, receiver_latitude_in_deg=34.95,
m.get_ray_paths_geo(source_depth_in_km=17.4, source_latitude_in_deg=-31.130,
                    source_longitude_in_deg=-72.090, receiver_latitude_in_deg=34.95,
                    receiver_longitude_in_deg=-106.46, phase_list=["P", "pP", "sP", "PcP", "PP"]).plot();
/Users/lion/miniconda3/envs/seismo_live/lib/python3.7/site-packages/obspy/taup/ UserWarning: Resizing a TauP array inplace failed due to the existence of other references to the array, creating a new array. See Obspy #2280.
28 arrivals
	P phase arrival at 691.955 seconds
	pP phase arrival at 697.665 seconds
	sP phase arrival at 699.754 seconds
	PcP phase arrival at 707.881 seconds
	PP phase arrival at 855.963 seconds
	PKiKP phase arrival at 1048.759 seconds
	pPKiKP phase arrival at 1054.742 seconds
	sPKiKP phase arrival at 1056.774 seconds
	S phase arrival at 1261.209 seconds
	SKiKP phase arrival at 1261.481 seconds
	pS phase arrival at 1268.335 seconds
	sS phase arrival at 1270.622 seconds
	SP phase arrival at 1291.988 seconds
	PS phase arrival at 1294.389 seconds
	SKS phase arrival at 1297.744 seconds
	SKKS phase arrival at 1297.945 seconds
	ScS phase arrival at 1300.326 seconds
	pSKS phase arrival at 1305.392 seconds
	sSKS phase arrival at 1307.522 seconds
	SS phase arrival at 1544.095 seconds
	PKIKKIKP phase arrival at 1851.906 seconds
	PKKP phase arrival at 1866.736 seconds
	SKIKKIKP phase arrival at 2064.649 seconds
	PKIKKIKS phase arrival at 2066.681 seconds
	SKIKKIKS phase arrival at 2279.207 seconds
	PKIKPPKIKP phase arrival at 2349.079 seconds
	SKIKSSKIKS phase arrival at 3208.860 seconds
	SKSSKS phase arrival at 3223.167 seconds
/Users/lion/miniconda3/envs/seismo_live/lib/python3.7/site-packages/obspy/taup/ UserWarning: Not able to evaluate positions of points on path. Arrivals object will not be modified. Install the Python module 'geographiclib' to solve this issue.
/Users/lion/miniconda3/envs/seismo_live/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ ObsPyDeprecationWarning: The plot() function is deprecated. Please use arrivals.plot_rays()
  if __name__ == '__main__':
In [6]:
# Calculate distance.
from obspy.geodetics import locations2degrees

locations2degrees(lat1=-31.130, long1=-72.090, lat2=34.95, long2=-106.46)
In [7]:
components = "Z"
# Varying length of databases. Use common time range.
starttime = obspy.UTCDateTime("2015-09-16T22:55:22.000000Z")
endtime = obspy.UTCDateTime("2015-09-16T23:23:46.200000Z")

data = {}
for model in models.keys():
    # Download the data for each model.
    data[model] = c.get_waveforms(model=model, network=network, station=station,
                                  components=components, dt=0.05, eventid=event_id,
                                  starttime=starttime, endtime=endtime)
In [8]:
# plot everything.
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 3))
factor = 1E2

for _i, model in enumerate(sorted(data.keys(),
                                  key=lambda x: (int(x.split("_")[-1][:-1]), x))):
    tr = data[model][0]
    pos = len(data) - _i - 1
    plt.plot(tr.times(), * factor + pos, color="0.1", lw=1.1)

    plt.yticks(list(range(9)), [""] * 9)
    plt.ylim(-0.5, 8.7)
    plt.xlim(650, 1750)
    plt.xlabel("Time since event origin [sec]")
    plt.title("Body Waves and Surface Waves Onset")
    plt.plot(tr.times(), * factor + pos, color="0.1", lw=1.1)
    plt.yticks(list(range(9)), [""] * 9)
    plt.ylim(-0.5, 8.7)
    plt.xlim(650, 900)
    plt.text(637, pos, model, color="0.9",
             bbox=dict(facecolor="0.1", edgecolor="None"),
             ha="center", fontsize=7)
    plt.xlabel("Time since event origin [sec]")
    plt.title("First Body Waves")

/Users/lion/miniconda3/envs/seismo_live/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: Adding an axes using the same arguments as a previous axes currently reuses the earlier instance.  In a future version, a new instance will always be created and returned.  Meanwhile, this warning can be suppressed, and the future behavior ensured, by passing a unique label to each axes instance.
  # Remove the CWD from sys.path while we load stuff.
/Users/lion/miniconda3/envs/seismo_live/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: Adding an axes using the same arguments as a previous axes currently reuses the earlier instance.  In a future version, a new instance will always be created and returned.  Meanwhile, this warning can be suppressed, and the future behavior ensured, by passing a unique label to each axes instance.